Celebrities, News

Gary Coleman 911 Call Released

Johnny Sanford :: Thursday, June 3rd, 2010 11:30 am

There’s a lurid aspect to celebrity deaths: the 911 call. This spring has already been the start of a monumental death march, with the loss of iconic Easy Rider Dennis Hopper (also had a great cameo on “Demon Days” as the narrator of the Gorillaz track “Fire Coming Out of the Monkey’s Head”), and the bite-sized actor/security guard Gary Coleman. In the latter case, the 911 call has been released in relation to his death, but the details are a bit fuzzy. “There’s blood everywhere!” his ex-wife Shannon Price screams to the operator, according to Associated Press.
“I had my husband go make me some food downstairs, he just got home and I heard this big bang, his head is bloody. There’s blood all over the floor. Send someone quick because I don’t know if he’s going to, like, be alive.”
These words are from Shannon Price, the 24 year old ex-wife of Coleman, 42. Coleman later slipped into a coma and was taken off life support. The full audio can be found here.
For those of you who aren’t into the grim side of the Coleman saga, check out this video where he flips shit on Inside Edition