
The Tim Tebow Story with a Pro-Life Twist

Matt Kiebus :: Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 2:30 pm

In two weeks millions of viewers will tune into CBS for Super Bowl XLIV. Across the country there will be parties stacked with Buffalo wings, beers, nachos, steaks, burgers, cheese trays, and assorted vegetable dips. The country will watch as Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts take on Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints.

Super Bowl Sunday is the second most American day of the year, behind July 4th.  It’s a day of drinking, football, revelry, and debauchery. It’s also the most important day of the year for commercials. Men and women alike are annually entertained by Bud Light and Doritos commercials. But this year we are being treated to something new, Tim Tebow slinging pro-life propaganda, and it’s not going to be funny.

On Super Bowl Sunday Tebow and his mother, Pam, will be in a commercial paid for by conservative Christian group, Focus on the Family. It will center on the amazingly over-played story about the living miracle that is Tim Tebow. In 1987, a pregnant Pam Tebow, while on a mission trip in the Philippines suffered a dangerous infection. Doctors recommended to her that she abort the child because there was a significant chance of dying during childbirth.

She refused because of her strict Christian beliefs and as a result birthed one of the greatest college football players of all-time. While playing at the University of Florida, Tim Tebow won the Heisman Trophy and two National Championships. It’s a wonderful and uplifting story, but it should not be used towards a pro-life campaign during the Super Bowl.

The reason Focus on Family’s evangelical founder, James Dobson, is airing this commercial during the Super Bowl is logical. He wants the most amount of exposure as possible. Last year it cost $3 million dollars for 30 seconds of commercial time. Why would Dobson spend that kind of money to send a “simple, family oriented message?” Dobson is pouring lighter fluid on a fire that doesn’t need a bigger flame.

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our country and has led to gratuitous violence. Letting one side take a subversive and conflict-ridden stance on a hot issue, on a very public stage, will lead to very public disputes and media outcry.

Jehmu Greene, director of Woman’s Media Center, is speaking out aggressively against Focus on Family and CBS. “This organization is extremely intolerant and divisive and pushing an un-American agenda,” said Greene. “Abortion is very controversial, and the anti-abortion vitriol has resulted in escalated violence against reproductive health providers and their patients.” (

Greene is currently spearheading a campaign to force CBS to pull the Ad, citing that they have banned commercials in the past from Ads that might be controversial, such as PETA and the United Church of Christ. As of now CBS does not seem to be budging, and the commercial is on schedule to air. The controversy is going to result in higher ratings for CBS, so why would the network care about the ramifications?

The most recent example of anti-abortion violence is the 2009 murder of Dr. George Tiller, the late-term abortion provider, was shot and killed while volunteering as an usher as his local church.

According to the National Abortion Federation records show that since 1977 there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 41 bombings, 175 acts of arson, 96 acts of vandalism, 406 death threats, and 642 bomb threats against abortion providers in the U.S. and Canada.

In recent years, violence against abortion clinics and providers has declined, but this commercial has already started to incite anger on both sides of this winless war two weeks before it airs. The outrage amongst pro-life and pro-choice will only increase after the Super Bowl.

The pro-life vs. pro-choice issue is far from resolved, and won’t be for the foreseeable future. Hopefully this won’t result in more random pain towards the innocent, over a choice that concerns one individual.

69 Responses to “The Tim Tebow Story with a Pro-Life Twist”
  1. Last time I checked America is a free country. If Focus on the Family has the money to pay for TV spot then it shouldn’t matter.

    Posted by: Jeremy January 27th, 2010 at 2:55 pm
  2. I respect Tim’s atheltic abilty.

    I don’t respect anyone who seems it is necessary to push their religious views on anyone else, especially in ways that are not supportive.

    If “Focus on the Family” actually cared about famililes this money would go to family and adoption services and not trying to convince people that if they don’t get an abortion your son or daughter will be a meal ticket in pro sports.

    Posted by: Matt January 27th, 2010 at 2:56 pm
  3. I’m not upset at the ad so much as the double standards of the television company. I’m fascinated that the Super Bowl is willing to play a pro-life ad, but was unwilling to air a pro-gay-marriage ad before, because of their unwillingness to get involved in “moral issues.”

    I guess the REAL rule is that you just have to be a right-wing bigot to get your ads aired.

    Posted by: Peter Carlson January 27th, 2010 at 2:59 pm
  4. I am not surprised, but disappointed, if CBS runs this. Family oriented ad? Right, like all the cringeworthy Cialis and Viagra commercials (throw a “football” through a “tire swing”! Scooore!). It’s all about the *ick. Please, can’t a football game just be a football game, that ALL people can watch without being uncomfortably subjected to crap of any kind?

    Posted by: Liz in CA January 27th, 2010 at 3:02 pm
  5. We get it. You’re pro abortion. Of all the garbage that’s shown on TV (and especially during the Super Bowl) you have nothing better to rail against than an uplifting story about one woman’s choice 20+ years ago. You’re quick to cite murders, bombings etc over past 30 years with no mention about the number of abortions performed in that time frame. Just like the Democratic elite watching in confused amazement at the MA election, you would be surprised to learn the vast majority of people reading your silly article view you as as clueless and wrong in your opinion re the Tebow commercial.

    Posted by: marty davey January 27th, 2010 at 3:04 pm
  6. I fully support James Dobson and Pro Life. We need more people to stand up for good morale values!

    Posted by: Ken Krout January 27th, 2010 at 3:05 pm
  7. they have the money it is the american way. National Abortion Federation cries about the murder of an abortion doctor yet 4,000 completely helpless innocents are snuffed everyday the irony would be humorous if it wasn’t such a sickening vile murderous act we were talking about

    Posted by: alex January 27th, 2010 at 3:07 pm
  8. Jehmu Greene, director of Woman’s Media Center, is speaking out aggressively against Focus on Family and CBS. “This organization is extremely intolerant and divisive and pushing an un-American agenda,”

    Being pro life is un-American? Since when? Ms. Green’s own comments underscore her ignorance and intolerance of organizations like Focus on the Family that take a counter position to hers.

    Freedom of speech. Now THAT is the American agenda. Ms. Greene - you are free to say, believe and perpetuate what you wish, and so is everyone else. To suggest that being against abortion is un- American is incorrect, to put it mildly. To suggest that people - both you and Dr. Dobson - do not have a right to express your views - whatever they may, be is simply unconstitutional.

    Posted by: Gene January 27th, 2010 at 3:07 pm
  9. The AFL will be running our own commercial during the commercial. Watch between Doritos and during the big game.

    Craig Crawford

    Posted by: Craig Crawford January 27th, 2010 at 3:08 pm
  10. Yes, acts of violence are deplorable. Let’s look at the numbers since 1973 before thinking all the trouble is one-sided.
    Anti-Abortion: 8 Americans killed
    Pro-Abortion: 40,000,000 Americans killed

    Posted by: Mike January 27th, 2010 at 3:09 pm
  11. I agree that America is a free country, but when a religious organization is paying for an ad to deliberately spark controversy in a debate that has frequently resulted in violence, I think it’s appropriate to question their motives.

    I feel Focus on the Family is using the good nature and celebrity of Tim Tebow for their own agenda.

    Posted by: Matt Kiebus January 27th, 2010 at 3:09 pm
  12. I will not be watching the commercial when it comes on. And I have lost all respect for tim tebow. He is intitled to his opinion but not at this venue.

    Posted by: Russ Brooks January 27th, 2010 at 3:11 pm
  13. Get over it. If you have money for a pro-abortion commercial pay CBS to air it…

    Posted by: Mary January 27th, 2010 at 3:13 pm
  14. I am amazed at the number of people who are actually offended by Tim Tebow’s thanking his mother for giving birth to him and being thankful that he is alive (note that the ad has not been shown anywhere, nor has a transcript made public).

    Sorry, but if people are being offended by somebody being happy to be alive, I’d hate to find out when would not offend them. Let’s see what the actual spot says before flying off to conclusions.

    Note also that Jehmu Greene has her own political agenda that she is pushing. Either that or she is genuinely upset to hear that someone is glad to be alive.

    Posted by: BW January 27th, 2010 at 3:16 pm
  15. Focus on the Family is not pushing their religious views on this. They are stating a fact. If you abort someone, you could be aborting someone of greatness or someone who can make a difference in life.

    Posted by: Laureen January 27th, 2010 at 3:19 pm
  16. We protect & help seals, fish, owls and Haitians, but the most defenseless of all - we kill without the thought of throwing a light switch.

    Be glad your mother was Pro-Life, no Pro-Death !

    I applaud Tim for his Courage !

    Posted by: mario January 27th, 2010 at 3:19 pm
  17. I was raised by a single mother and just recently found out my father, whom I never knew, gave her $50 to “do what was necessary.” I am happy, actually ecstatic to hear Pam Tebow’s story adding long term perspective on what many women see as a short term solution.

    Greene’s comments are Orwellian doublespeak at it’s best, ” extremely intolerant and divisive and pushing an un-American agenda..”

    Because of my mother’s decision and sacrifices, there are five more happy, constructive, creative, helpful, giving, tax paying Americans.

    Posted by: MIke H NJ January 27th, 2010 at 3:20 pm
  18. Isn’t Matt’s and Jehmu Greene’s comments about the need to limit free speech amazing. But liberals wants free speech only if that speech is liberal.

    Yes, the subject of abortion is controversial, which is why it is still in the public arena and being discussed and debated. Yes, some people on both sides will over-react and commit violence. Neither side condones it.

    I am sure that Southerners in Confederate times would have liked to put a lid on the discussion of the problem of slavery. Ahd yes, thousands of lives were lost in order to declare that African Americans should be as free as everyone else. Was it worth the effort? I think so.

    Many of us who are pro-life will not let our voice be silenced. If it costs $3 million in order to get it heard, so be it.

    Posted by: Paul January 27th, 2010 at 3:20 pm
  19. Tell me Mr. Kiebus, at what poing in your advanced education
    did you come to the conclusion that it is entirely acceptable
    to kill another human being for your own personal convience.

    I will be waiting for your answer.


    Posted by: Walt Martin January 27th, 2010 at 3:20 pm
  20. Man, I could care less whether or not a pro-life ad airs, but I’m so f*cking tired of Tim Tebow. Can’t wait to see him crash & burn in the NFL. I get shivers of joy just thinking about it.

    Posted by: Josh January 27th, 2010 at 3:21 pm
  21. “Hopefully this won’t result in more random pain towards the innocent, over a choice that concerns one individual.”

    You have this part right Matt. The innocent is the child being aborted and the only individual that does not get a choice is the baby. Put any spin you want on it abortion is murder.

    Posted by: Dean Rino January 27th, 2010 at 3:21 pm
  22. America is a free country…but CBS sets an interesting double standard by banning some controversial commercials but allowing this one.

    Besides, Focus on the Family is really playing with fire. The story of Tim Tebow, while definitely emotional, has little to do with the current abortion debate. Many of the people who are opposed to abortion in general have a different opinion when it comes to saving the life of the mother, rape, and incest.

    Many of the women who normally think of abortion being for ’sluts’ who are careless with birth control may feel a bit differently when it’s their life that is put on the line.

    So go ahead Dobson - tell women that any one of them could have their health endangered because your religion tells you abortion is bad. Remind them that in your ideal world, a woman who becomes pregnant from a rape must carry that baby to term.

    See how far that gets you.

    Posted by: Levelheaded January 27th, 2010 at 3:22 pm
  23. Last I heard the message is simply “If my mother got an abortion as the doctors recommended I wouldn’t be here” as compared to “Make abortions illegal” so I’m okay with it. As far as I can tell no one here is advocating taking choices away from people and all of the backlash is baseless rhetoric, like when people tried to say Bush was trying to outlaw abortions despite his making day after pills available over the counter.

    Posted by: Jake Lockley January 27th, 2010 at 3:22 pm
  24. While I don’t agree with the Tebow’s beliefs, I’m happy to be a citizen of a country where they have a right to express their views. In case you didn’t notice, the Supreme Court just opened up our political process to the same type of corruption that seems to be at play here. The real issue here isn’t whether Tebow should or should not be able to air the commercial, it is why CBS (public broadcaster using our common airwaves) is allowed to censor other groups whose message is objectionable to some of our society, like PETA or the United Church of Christ. They had money but were denied access to the public airwaves. The solution isn’t to supress the Tebows - it is to ensure equal access to all with their message and $2M…

    Posted by: Center Independent January 27th, 2010 at 3:24 pm
  25. “According to the National Abortion Federation records show that since 1977 there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 41 bombings, 175 acts of arson, 96 acts of vandalism, 406 death threats, and 642 bomb threats against abortion providers in the U.S. and Canada.”

    You failed to mention the estimated 50 million abortions (or murders). I wonder why that is….spin like you like.

    Posted by: Jay January 27th, 2010 at 3:24 pm
  26. Why doe life have to be a religious issue? This should be a concern for all of us, religious or not. I rather see a postitive uplifting commercial then inane ones they usually show.

    Posted by: Paulette January 27th, 2010 at 3:24 pm
  27. What a sad day in America when we get so excited about a football game but so many could care less that totally innocent babies are being killed daily!

    Posted by: roy January 27th, 2010 at 3:26 pm
  28. I won’t be watching the commercial. I won’t be watching CBS. I won’t be watching any NFL team that drafts this self-glorifying blowhard who uses the Super Bowl and other sports venues to advance his promotion to sainthood.

    Posted by: windrider January 27th, 2010 at 3:27 pm
  29. Kudos to CBS and Tebow for sticking to their guns in the face of the anti-life, anti-free speech lobbies!

    Posted by: Lasterdon January 27th, 2010 at 3:27 pm
  30. Is this logical: “He is intitled to his opinion but not at this venue”. Then where? At the World Cup? World Series? That statement does not make sense Russ Brooks. Does it not matter to anyone that the beer commercials promote happiness and good times to all? Thats an opinion too and should not be aired here either then. Also, this is not about religion. Its about Tim having a strong feelings against abortions because if his mom were to have had one he would not be here. That’s the point. Not religion. Jeeze!

    Posted by: Jason Sandefer January 27th, 2010 at 3:27 pm
  31. Geez nobody has even seen this yet, and the poor kid is getting nuked all over the place. I think if it sends a positive, pro HUMAN message, what is the harm? Aren’t we all pretty much for that? No? Which species are you?

    Posted by: shannon January 27th, 2010 at 3:27 pm
  32. When is having a view of protecting life mean that anyone is pushing “agendas” or being “unAmerican”. Don’t we live in a time and a land where we have a freedom of speech even if you do not agree with it. How can you lose respect for someone whose Mom gave them a chance to be someone who was good at something? Shame on those that can’t even watch 30 seconds of something that yes you may not agree with but some of the rest of us do. I hope that one day we can become a country that is okay with other peoples views even if they aren’t the same as yours.

    Posted by: Jane January 27th, 2010 at 3:28 pm
  33. I don’t necessarily like what is going on, especially since CBS has refused to air political ads before, so if they would like to open up and allow pro-choice advocates to also buy their own ad I think that would rectify the appearance of bias.

    The real question is why are pro-life people so ardently assured that fetuses constitute a human being in the accurate sense of the word, or whether they confuse the potentiality of a life with life itself, all the while adding and transposing their own political views into their religion, as the Bible makes no firm statements about life and St. Augustine himself wondered whether he was alive and “being” while in the womb, that if it was before sensation was it before his soul came to be. Yet Religious fanatics would have you believe that there is, in the Bible, in big giant bold letters, “Life begins at conception,” and that anyone who does not feel so is a heathen or immoral Christian, and that is a load of crock.

    Posted by: J Waalk January 27th, 2010 at 3:28 pm
  34. I have to apologize for the so called “pro life” Christians that promote violence as a mean to stop abortion. That is wrong, and they will be judged. I also have to say that if you compare the amount of murders, arsens, attempted violence to the number of abortions (which is also considered murder), the number of abortion is much larger. People care so strongly about the violence, which puts a horrible message of what it is to be a Christian and Pro Life, but turn a blind side to the murders of hundreds of innocent babies…

    Posted by: Monty January 27th, 2010 at 3:31 pm
  35. Let’s look at the numbers since 1973 before thinking all the trouble is one-sided.
    Anti-Abortion: 8 Americans killed
    Pro-Abortion: 40,000,000 Americans killed

    Posted by: Mike January 27th, 2010 at 3:09 pm

    Hey Mike, your statisitcs are one sidede. What happened before 1973? Let’s talk about all the women who died from using coat hangers, scissors, bleach, lysol, knitting needles, etc. to end pregnancies. They were so desperate that despite known risks (known among women and doctors) they did it anyway. Many of these women were mothers. I know because my grandmother died from such a horrible attempt. So next time you spout stats talk about the lives saved!!! Lives that were crucial to the upbringing of children already here. Want to stop abortion-support realistic sex education, self-esteem classes for girls, the enforcement of child support (yes, a proven method of decreasing pregnancies, and mandated health insurance coverage for birth control.

    Posted by: Realist January 27th, 2010 at 3:31 pm
  36. Yo Walt, its the right to choose.

    Posted by: Luke January 27th, 2010 at 3:33 pm
  37. Oooh! He’s good at throwing a ball and running fast! Good thing we didn’t abort him… we’d have to watch some other overpaid manboy running back and forth across a grass field while we ignore our families!

    Posted by: JB Mason January 27th, 2010 at 3:35 pm
  38. Bottom line…if the Bible is God’s Word, then abortion is the taking of innocent life and we should do all we can to stand up against such evil. If the Bible is not God’s Word, anything goes and Christians are dangerous, deluded people. Those are our choices.

    Posted by: C Simpson January 27th, 2010 at 3:37 pm
  39. My goodness, Pro-Aborts are always yelling that it is a woman’s CHOICE. But when one woman makes a choice NOT to abort her baby, you fanatics yell FOUL!. Apparantly, the only choice you want is for abortion.

    On top of all that, you quote all these numbers about violence against abortion workers (probably non of them verifiable), but you leave out all the statistics on Women forced to have abortions by their boyfriends/husbands/pimps; all the botched abortions resulting in serious injury and death; all the underage girls receiving abortions and the abortion providers NOT reporting possible statuatory rape (AS required by law in many states) allowing these girls to continue to be abused and taken advantage of; the number of abortion doctors that have had their license revoked or reprimanded by medical boards; the number of abortion clinics that can’t/don’t meet local health codes. THe list goes on, but you guys don’t want to talk about any of that…in fact, you don’t want to allow FREE SPEECH at all.

    Posted by: Dean January 27th, 2010 at 3:40 pm
  40. I’m wondering how many Pro-Choice ever thought or imagine if your mother went abortion on you. anyways, It is a Free country and Focus on the Family has the money to pay the commercial. I’m happy to say that Tim Tebow is willing to stand what is right and a lot of people are being supportive all the way. Religious or not religious - either way - abortion kills life.

    Posted by: Sam January 27th, 2010 at 3:41 pm
  41. “I feel Focus on the Family is using the good nature and celebrity of Tim Tebow for their own agenda.”
    -Um, yeah. Here is a guy who is alive today because his mother made a CHOICE for life. She CHOSE not to get an abortion. I think that maybe he might agree with the pro-life movement.

    “I will not be watching the commercial when it comes on. And I have lost all respect for tim tebow. He is intitled to his opinion but not at this venue”
    -OK, he’s a football player - nationally known - and this is a football game. What other venue would be more appropriate? oh, right, Christians are supposed to keep their views in church…

    C’mon people - do we need to start a fund raiser so you can buy a clue?

    Posted by: Dave S January 27th, 2010 at 3:45 pm
  42. Tim is not sharing an opinion, he is stating a fact in his life and thanking his mother for not terminating him, is that so wrong to tell your own experience and thanking your mother for standing up for you?

    Posted by: Melissa January 27th, 2010 at 3:45 pm
  43. Mr. Kiebus, it appears that you do not believe in free speech. During the time of slavery, escaped slaves would tell their stories in the the North. This moved the hearts of Northerners to support the abolishment of slavery in the United States. I suppose if slavery existed in the United States today, you would oppose a Super Bowl ad calling for the abolishment of slavery. Pro-Choice is all about the abortion money. May God through Tim Tebow and other move the hearts of Americans to abolish the murder of unborn babies.

    Posted by: Bob OKeefe January 27th, 2010 at 3:46 pm
  44. I went to Catholic school from kindergarden through college. The last eight years of my education have been in Jesuit institutions, and throughout that time I learned how to think for myself. I’m not sorry for respecting a woman’s right to choose what they want to do with their own body.

    I’m a guy, and I don’t foresee myself becoming impregnated anytime soon, but if I was a woman I would like to think I’d have a say in the matter.

    I never said I was a proponent of the needless killing of human beings, and it’s ridiculous that anyone would suggest that. I consider myself a moral person. What if Mrs. Tebow died and so did her baby during childbirth? I generally believe that doctors know what they are talking about when offering medical advice, it’s what they went to school for.

    Posted by: Matt Kiebus January 27th, 2010 at 3:46 pm
  45. It’s called freedom of speech. Nobody is forcing you to watch the commercial. Look away if you can’t handle the fact that abortion kills. Better yet draw a warm bath ,grab a razor and SLEEP WELL..

    Posted by: PRB January 27th, 2010 at 3:46 pm
  46. If we are to settle this abortion debate we should at least get the opinion of someone who can actually succeed playing professional football and not from Tebow. Tebow should consider himself blessed if he gets picked up by a high school team to mow the field every week.

    Posted by: Jake Jabbs January 27th, 2010 at 3:47 pm
  47. What I find amazing is the amount of children that die on an hourly basis in this country and around the world from easily treatable diseases and conditions such as unpotable water, dehydration, and the lack of proper health care, yet people are willing to spend millions of dollars on an ad that calls a medical procedure murder. Heres an idea, either get off your a** and do something for the children who were lucky enough in your opinion not to be aborted but are unlucky enough to be born in some of the most heinous conditions imaginable (conditions Tim Tebow and his mother no doubt know nothing about), or……shut the f*ck up!

    Posted by: nhmjack January 27th, 2010 at 3:48 pm
  48. It’s amazing to me how the Liberal folks in this country shout ‘Free Speech’ whenever someone wants to teach about the gay lifestyle in school or allow muslim groups to ‘educate’ our kids in school about their culture. That’s all fine - and I agree, this is a free nation, we have the right to free speech and the right not to listen. So why is it that these same people want to silence someone just becasue they have an opposing view? It’s becasue the don’t really believe in free speech, just their speech.

    Posted by: Dave S January 27th, 2010 at 3:48 pm
  49. It’s like I tell my friends who don’t like things they see on TV, it’s a good time to get up and take a leak or get some munchies.
    Learn how to use your remote if you don’t like something on the boob tube. Quit you’re whining.

    Posted by: Qikdra January 27th, 2010 at 3:49 pm
  50. “Hopefully this won’t result in more random pain towards the innocent, over a choice that concerns one individual.”
    Actually it concerns at least TWO individuals. Let’s not forget the unborn child is fully human and as such, should be entitled to the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that Amreicans hold dear. Out-of-wedlock pregnancies cause unavoidable pain. Choosing abortion doesn’t eliminate the pain; it just eliminates the inconvenient child.

    Posted by: Diane January 27th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
  51. What amazes me about the “so-called” pro-life movement is that these are the same people who are pro death penalty and who got us into an illeagl war that has killed millions of humans. What’s pro-life about that? These are also the same people who don’t want to help Hatians because “they made a pact with the devil”. What??? Hipocracy comes in many forms but “religious” people seem to have a corner on it.

    Posted by: Tim January 27th, 2010 at 3:54 pm
  52. Wow, J Waalk, you sure have a sore disposition toward the Christian Faith. I find, with most people that care to look, that the bible does indicate that life begins from conception. Potential is when the egg and sperm are in proximity. Life is when they are joined. Anyway, this add is not antichoice…It is about choosing life. Why is that so offensive? Could it be that the abortion industry might lose some clients?

    Posted by: JM from CA January 27th, 2010 at 3:56 pm
  53. Particularly atrocious - Partial Birth Abortion

    If it wasn’t simply murder, why would you completely deliver a baby’s entire body that is warm, circulating blood, pink with life and all evidence of of a baby, and then evacuate the baby’s skull - THEN resulting in Death. It is only to cover your sorry soul that it wasn’t ” entirely ” born.

    Now you are covered, you did not commit murder ! !

    Humans are the only animals that kill their UNBORN children

    Posted by: mario January 27th, 2010 at 4:01 pm
  54. Good for FF, CBS & Mr Tebow. We have sex promoted in just about every form of media today. Nobody cares about the effects of it… A child! It’s a let me feel good for a little while, if I get pregnant, get rid of it mentality. No responsibility!

    This is not about a future “meal ticket” from a baby. It is about a child being their own person that has their own identity and can grow up to be something great.

    This is a free country, but I believe all who desire an abortion should be shown a video of what will happen to their baby, er fetus / tissue before it is so gently and humanely disassembled. If it is just a medical procedure, what is the harm in that.

    By the way you don’t have to be religious to value life. I have actually seen non-religious people cry at funerals.

    If the commercial helps one baby and the parents, the $3mm is a bargain.

    Posted by: Chris January 27th, 2010 at 4:03 pm
  55. “good moral values”…. oh, how hypocritical so many of my fellow citizens are… if you were truly a moral person, you would realize that it is unethical to deny so many people health care. And preventing 2 loving people from having the same rights as others just because they are of the same sex. All you “moral majority” people need to look deep into your souls and truly consider whether you’re really showing a higher moral standard through these policies that you support, or just betraying your own prejudices and hiding them behind a veil of religion? Since so many of you feel empowered to speak on behalf of Jesus/God (which is a grave sin in-and-of-itself according to your beloved bible), I’ll do the same: Jesus would be ashamed to see his religion co-opted to deny others of their fundamental human rights, instead of having his religion used to guide your own lives. Stop pushing your beliefs on others and start supporting the true meaning of America: freedom against the tyranny of those in power.

    Posted by: Erik January 27th, 2010 at 4:04 pm
  56. I applaud Tim Tebow, and the statement he is making. While I abhor the idea of taking innocent lives (which is what an abortion does), what I find even worse
    is the sentiment behind the act: people are so selfish that they would rather have someone KILLED than take responsibility for their own actions. Further, in
    answer to the individual that is worried about the women that are victims of rape or incest: there are very few women that have abortions as a result of those
    events. By far and away, abortions occur simply as a matter of convenience for the parties involved (the women AND the men).

    Posted by: H.B.Hutchison January 27th, 2010 at 4:05 pm
  57. Mario, there are plenty of animals that kill their BORN children. Making the statement that there are plenty that kill their UNBORN children is just asinine, as it’s undoubtedly untrue given the breadth and diversity of life in this world. I’m certain that some species kill their UNBORN children under certain circumstatnces.

    Posted by: Erik January 27th, 2010 at 4:06 pm
  58. Having a child or not having a child, is only the person who is having that child’s business. How can all of you stick your noses in other people’s business and think it is your right to tell others what to do, concerning anything. If you don’t agree that the law in America says it is legal to terminate a pregnancy, don’t get one. NO ONE has the right to tell me what I can do with my body, keep your religious crap to your self. Your God doesn’t tell me what I can or can’t do. Keep YOUR INVISIBLE FRIEND TO YOUR SELF!

    Posted by: Nancye January 27th, 2010 at 4:07 pm
  59. JM, how about you quote me for that, because I have actually only read sections that counter that.

    A fetus cannot live outside of the womb, cannot survive in the real physical world even when given the basic necessities. Therefore it is not an independent life, it is a potential future life, it will be a human life if it’s given at least 8 months to germinate in the womb.

    Personally this ad doesn’t bother me one bit, it’s straight-forward. I don’t support abortions as a matter of policy, I just acknowledge that banning abortion is not good policy, both in terms of personal freedom over what, for all purposes, cannot be defined as anything other than a part of a woman’s body since the fetus depends on it and lives of it, and in that banning abortion doesn’t stop them, it just increases the number of lower class women who will die, (the rich will get abortions regardless, money has a way of opening opportunities). Long term I think realistic sex ed classes, and greater emphasis on responsible sex would trim down the vast number of unwanted pregnancies.

    Not to say that some affects of abortion worldwide over the past 30 years might not have been positive, as the rate of abortion is related to crime rate, and most of all there would be, counting the second generation, some 1 billion or more people on earth, which would not be a good thing, as it would stretch resources even thinner. Long term we have to get our population growth in check to zero or ideally, negative. Though I by no means suggest that abortion is part of this and have never supported abortion freedoms as a method of population control as some fanatics do.

    Posted by: J Waalk January 27th, 2010 at 4:16 pm
  60. J Waalk, I dont believe that population control has anything to do with it either. I do believe that it is easy for anyone to have an opinion on abortion because they dont have to do anything to back it up. It is easy to stand on a sidewalk outside a clinic and call someone a murderer because that person does not have to take the girl whom they just guilted into keeping that child home with them. Theres a good law, if you call someone getting an abortion a murderer, you should have to take that girl home, provide her with appropriate health care and the resources that that child needs. Well, maybe that is a little bit of joke, but I always thought it would a pretty good idea for these people who protest outside womens clinics. I agree with a lot of your ideas and I would also throw education for females in there with them. Not sex-ed, but better access to general education for women. Better careers, less fertility, less abortions. I dont know how feasible that is, but these are the things that need to be figured out. Not making ignorant comments like most of those above.

    Posted by: nhmjack January 27th, 2010 at 4:31 pm
  61. This is not a civil rights issue, nor a freedom of speech issue. It is a human issue that should be left to the person or people dealing with the situation.

    Posted by: nhmjack January 27th, 2010 at 4:33 pm
  62. Are you serious njmjack? Pam and Tim Tebow know nothing about heinous conditions? Did you skip the part about Pam getting a serious infection while on a mission in the Philippines - while she was pregnant?

    Tebow takes time out to volunteer in country - in addition to food pantry local stuff, they are tuned into reality and know suffering first and second hand.

    Matt, referring to their story as propaganda is pretty small thinking - I would guess that the number of women that have died from legal abortions is greater than the number that died from back room abortions and far greater than the violence statistics you state.
    “Compared to women who give birth, women who abort have an elevated risk of death from all causes, which persists for at least eight years. Higher risk of death from suicide and accidents were most prominent. Projected on the national population, this effect may contribute to 2,000 - 5,000 more deaths among women each year.
    Southern Medical Journal, 2002

    Posted by: MIke H NJ January 27th, 2010 at 4:38 pm
  63. If at least one person who watches this commercial decides to keep her baby and not terminate it for convenience… It will make this whole thing worth it! Thanks for standing up for the unborn! It’s scary that someone would actually desire the right to kill their own offspring…and even scarier, to terminate it for convenience.. My mother was also told by a doctor to have an abortion, but she decided to have me and I will forever be thankful…

    Posted by: Melissa January 27th, 2010 at 4:39 pm
  64. Erik,

    You lack of intelligence is only exceeded by your aimless rambling.

    You go on and on about:

    ” there are plenty of animals that kill their BORN children. Making the statement that there are plenty that kill their UNBORN children is just asinine, as it’s undoubtedly untrue given the breadth and diversity of life in this world. I’m certain that some species kill their UNBORN children under certain circumstatnces. ”

    Not 5 , NAME ONE !

    Causing a baby’s heart to stop beating is Murder !

    By the way stupid it is spelled ” circumstances “

    Posted by: Mario January 27th, 2010 at 4:40 pm
  65. Erik ,

    You lack of intelligence is only exceeded by your aimless rambling.

    You go on and on about:

    ” there are plenty of animals that kill their BORN children. Making the statement that there are plenty that kill their UNBORN children is just asinine, as it’s undoubtedly untrue given the breadth and diversity of life in this world. I’m certain that some species kill their UNBORN children under certain circumstatnces. ”

    Not 5 , NAME ONE !

    Causing a baby’s heart to stop beating is Murder !

    By the way stupid it is spelled ” circumstances “

    Posted by: Mario January 27th, 2010 at 4:42 pm
  66. Sorry, I had to stop reading this article when I read “pubic stage” rather than “public stage.”

    Posted by: Justsaying January 27th, 2010 at 5:00 pm
  67. This posting rocks. And so does abortion. !

    Posted by: Louis January 27th, 2010 at 5:22 pm
  68. If you are really pro CHOICE why object to a woman making a choice. On the other hand if you are pro abortion I can see why you would be upset. Why don’t we just practice some truth in advertising and go with pro abortion from now on…or does that sound to unpleasant?

    Posted by: steppster January 27th, 2010 at 8:03 pm
  69. ‘records show that since 1977 there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 41 bombings, 175 acts of arson, 96 acts of vandalism, 406 death threats, and 642 bomb threats against abortion providers in the U.S. and Canada’

    Did anyone mention the millions of babies killed in the name of abortion?

    Posted by: Haroon January 27th, 2010 at 9:03 pm